5 Quick Tips For Instantly Improving Your Yoga Practice

Do you feel intimidated by even the mere phrase “your yoga practice”? That one used to get me a lot. I would frequent yoga studios (never actually being able to afford a class pass of any kind) paying my “drop in” rate and wanting desperately to belong to the yoga community. In class, the instructors would make comments to the regulars like “great job Jenny, your twisted lunge is looking beautiful” or “Yes, exactly right, Tim!” and there I was struggling to hold a downward facing dog. I used to think when instructors referred to your “yoga practice” they were talking to students like Jenny and Tim; students who came to class every day and had “zen dens” in their living rooms and could pop into a handstand on command.

Wow Brianna…

Let’s take a minute and break down those walls of insecurity and comparison. You heard me - kick them down.

A yoga practice is simply that - you…getting on your mat…and practicing. That doesn’t have to look like daily practicing or even weekly practicing. It’s simply whenever you get on your mat and practice a pose or even just a breath technique. So let’s talk about the 5 ways that you can “improve” your practice.

1. Keep Your Mat Out

The chances are, the more you see your yoga mat laying out, the more this visual cue will encourage you to hop on for a quick downward dog or childs pose. Just getting on your mat for a quick pose during your day will instantly bring you so many health benefits like lowering cortisol and blood pressure. This also makes it easier to hop on here and there rather than feeling like you have to set the scene for a “full class”. Keep it casual!

2. Pick A Goal

Sometimes it helps to pick a specific pose or sequence that you’d like to work on. Maybe you even pick a specific pranayama (breath ratio) to give yourself a goal. Keep it simple. I started with a sun salutation - I wanted to be able to chatarunga down to a low plank and hold it - but maybe you start by setting a 5 minute timer and practicing box breathing. Inhale 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale 4 seconds and hold 4 seconds. You can change the number of seconds to whatever works for you. Pick a goal, leave your mat out, and WATCH what happens!

3. Find Classes That Work For You

Whether you’re an in-class yogi, a free styler, or an online junkie, figure out what works for you and when. Jumping on your mat to practice a pose or some meditation is fabulous but finding a class either online or in person can help to spark that inspiration for your practice. Different instructors will have totally different cues for how each pose might feel in your body or how to get in or out of different poses or even different modifications that you might not have thought of. On top of learning different techniques, sometimes we just need to turn our brains off and get lost in a flow!

4. Search Out Workshops!

Okay, now that we’re gaining some momentum and confidence in our practice, as well as finding inspiration from other classes/instructors, it’s time to start seeking out some workshops. Now, this doesn’t have to mean paid workshops if you don’t have the extra cash. There are a ton of free “workshop” videos out there that focus on breaking down simple poses like crescent pose (a high lunge) or even mountain pose! Workshopping a pose can also look like following some technical yogi’s on social media who will break down poses or show you really fun modifications. I’m obsessed withfollowing these ladies on instagram for inspo “aleyogabjj” “tiffanycruikshank” and “allisonrayjeraci”. Check them out and challenge yourself to try out a modification/variation!

5. Chill Out, Brah

The most important tip of them all…just chill out. In this climate of hyper comparison and perfectionism, we tend to get these huge goals for ourselves and unrealistic deadlines/expectations of consistency. We create schedules and as soon as we go “off schedule” for a day or two or three, we want to throw out the baby with the bath water instead of being kind to ourself and patting ourself on the back for jumping back on our mat. Just chill out and focus on the positive. Thank your body for reminding you to jump back on your mat, and when that intrusive thought comes for you saying “you mind as well quit, you already messed up” ask yourself “what do I know is true” and state a couple positive affirmations.

I know these are all super basic tips but I think you’ll find that they can also be super transformational. Go slow, be kind to yourself, and chill the F**k out!

Have a wonderful day, BRealFam! Love ya!


Brianna Campigotto