DETOX - A Nutritionist's Guide

Well it’s that time of year again when the “new year, new you” posts start overwhelming my feed! After what seems like a marathon of feasts and treats throughout the holidays to some, it often feels like it’s now time to hit the reset button as we settle back into our version of “normal”. For some, detoxing can be the perfect catalyst to feeling better, sleeping better, and having more energy after a busy holiday season!

Naturally, the word “detox” gets thrown around this time of year, and in today’s “diet culture” there are a lot of unwise ways to hit that reset button and the wellness industry pries on this “new year, new you” energy. So how do you detox in a safe and healthy way? Never fear, your friendly neighbourhood holistic nutritionist is here! Let’s start with what the word detox really refers to. You can detox the body in may different ways but for the purpose of “post holiday shenanigans” detoxing, we want to look inward and support the body’s detoxing organs - the liver and the kidneys. Reducing inflammation, releasing toxins, and balancing our blood sugar to get rid of those pesky cravings.


Start by nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods, such as vibrant fruits and vegetables that will flood your system with much-needed vitamins and minerals. We all know this one, right? But on top of leafy greens a whole foods, let’s also add superfoods like avocado, chia seeds, and goji berries. In our 7 Day Detox Box we give you daily recipes, herbs, and teas that contain these superfoods, nourishing nutrient dense veggies, and omega rich, blood sugar balancing, healthy fats!

Detox Water

While drinking 2-3 liters of water a day is essential to get things moving in the body and just simply for overall energy and proper cell function, let’s take it up a notch and also add lemon and ginger to the mix. I love juicing raw ginger and then freezing it in ice cubes of about 1 tbsp per cube. This way you can add 1 tbsp of fresh ginger juice to your litre of water every day without having to juice daily. You can also do this with lemon, adding at least one tbsp of lemon juice (or the juice of half a lemon if you like more lemon) to your litre of water. Ginger has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties and contains sesquiterpenes that specifically fight the rhinovirus – that’s the virus responsible for many colds.

Tea, Herbs, & Supplements

Additionally, incorporating Herbal Teas into your routine that support digestion and cleanse those organs responsible for detoxing the blood. We love the detox tea blend that we sell online and in our “7 Day Detox Box”. It’s an organic blend of some powerful herbs and berries like schisandra berries, burdock, yellow dock, lemongrass, dandelion leaf, and red clover. When looking for herbal teas, make sure they’re organic, non-GMO, and don’t have hidden flavours or sweeteners. Adding something like a detox tea to your daily routine is never a bad idea, but in our Detox Box we take it up a notch and also include Organic Chlorella. Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water and it’s actually 50–60% protein. What’s more, it’s a complete protein source, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids! It also is a good source of iron and vitamin C (the body needs vitamin C to help absorb the iron), Chlorella provides small amounts of magnesium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium, folic acid and other B vitamins, AND as if that wasn’t enough, studies show that Chlorella has been found to bind to heavy metals and weaken the heavy metal toxicity of the liver, brain and kidneys! 

As always, alongside a balanced diet, it's essential to incorporate light exercise into your daily routine. Sweating it out through activities like yoga or brisk walks can aid in flushing out toxins and promoting a sense of vitality. However, detoxing after the holidays is not just about physical health, it's also about nurturing your mental well-being. Dedicate time for self-care, meditation, and ample sleep to rejuvenate your mind and replenish your energy levels. (Check out my last post “Holistic Living, What Does It All Mean?” for more inspiration on holistic well being"). This holistic approach to detoxing creates a beautiful foundation to set you up for lasting healthy habits. By committing to this detox journey, you will set yourself up for success in reaching your health and wellness goals for the coming year, allowing you to step into the future with confidence and vitality! CLICK HERE if you’d like more information on “The 7 Day Detox Box” or to purchase one today!

Brianna Campigotto